Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

It's cold outside!

Lol, duh! It's November.

That's what I said to my brother when I talked to him on the phone last. I'm thinking he should have gotten the hint by the steamy windows of the storm door when he opened the big wooden front door. Geez, comedy anyone. I'm in a fairly good mood today even though I'm not feeling well at all. I've got some sort of sinus drainage and aches to go along with it. It's quite possible that some kind of cold bug has weasled its way into the house. I'm not running a fever so I'm doing the orange juice, rest, and annoy others kinda of treatment. I did manage to get my mother from work and spend an hour or so with my brother. I so miss hanging out with him. Yeah, we talk on the phone or in IM but for me, it's not the same as being in the same room with him. I wish that I could spend the same time with my other younger brother but I know how real life gets in the way. My hope is that I can spend more time with them both in the new year. We've come along way, but even with all the road bumps, I would still journey with them. I know that there have been some tense moments but all three of us were best friends as kids. Even we can't be best friends again, I'd still like the notion to be out there that the door is open to at least sharing events and lives with one another. I know that life is too short to spend it holding grudges and being angry with someone. I am guilty as charged on that one. There's a family member who I am angry at because of the lack of involvement in the care of someone I love and cherish very much. It still angers me because though I try to come to terms with it and move on, this person comes out with new lies or supposed things that have happened that no one else has witnessed or experienced. I'm trying to hold on to the part of my faith that tells me that what goes around, comes around. This person will be held accountable for the actions or inactions taken. From a small child, I was taught that actions speak louder than words. I still believe that to this day. So I will wait and let Fate take care of the problem. Doesn't mean I won't complain though. Haha, thought you'd escape that, didn't you?

The weather here is finally cold and staying cold. The warmest it has reached has been 38 F and that was a day or two ago. When I left to get my mom from work, the skies were filled with dark clouds and it was definitely raining ice. The sun peeked through a few times until I left her house to come home. Now the sky is gray and cloudy again. The winds have picked up as well. I can hear the branches of the bushes outside as they scrape against the windows. I'm thinking we'll have some of the lovely white stuff on the ground by tomorrow morning. In the northern part of the state, they have already received some snow. But in the southern part where I live, we haven't even had a lot of flurries. I just kinda hope that it isn't much as Chris and I have some traveling to do on Thursday to celebrate Thanksgiving at his aunt's house. It would provide pretty scenery to look at while in the car, but it won't be nice to drive on.

I am still chugging away at my NaNoWriMo novel. I don't believe that I'm going to achieve the goal of 50,000 but whatever number I end up with, I'm going to be proud of myself. To me, it's more of a sign that I can do this as I want to. I can write good stuff in a short amount of time. Now, re-writes and editing along with research and all that stuff will come later. I just need to get the basic story out and go play around with it later. I also have some letters to write today. It's been too long since I have actually sat down and wrote a few people who I care greatly about. There's something awesome about getting an old fashioned letter in the mail. At least that's what I think when I get them. I need to plan an outing to get some Christmas cards so I can be working on those. I would really like to send some to the troops overseas and the deadline for them to receive them is coming up soon. That reminds me, would all you who read this blog please say a prayer for those men and women who are serving our country? There's a very close friend of mine who is stationed in Iraq. I just got an urgent email telling me that the city he's stationed in was hit by insurgents. No word has come from him but I know he's busy. Should I not hear from him soon, I'll be pestering him until I do or until someone tells me why I can't talk to him. Thanks to all those who are putting their lives on the line for our freedoms.

I am off to go through emails and finish up a few more things before trying to get a few more words written. Tis going to be a long day when the weather is gray and cloudy. It makes you want to just curl up in a warm blanket with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate. With marshmellows, of course!

Until next time,


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