Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

First Snowfall & Happy Thanksgiving Early

Yep, that's right. Today was the official first snowfall of the year. At least as far as I'm concerned. There wasn't much on the ground that was sticking around as the day wore on. It was just enough to make it look so pretty. I was up early because my sleep schedule is still off. Dudley, my dog, wanted to go out and do his business anyway. It was definitely a pleasant surprise to see the snow falling so gently upon everything. And it was a gentle snowfall too. All together I believe we may have gotten a quarter of an inch of snow, but when the temperatures warmed up in the afternoon, all of it has melted for the most part. Which reminds me that I need to add salt for the steps and pathways to the shopping list. We've already purchased most of the things to be well prepared for a larger snowfall. After about noon, the snow had stopped and already began to melt because the temperature warmed up. I'm just glad to have seen the wonderful stuff and not be buried under a foot of snow.

I'm very tired today. Emotionally and physically I'm drained. Part of the reason why I feel this way is that I'm not getting enough sleep. I'm trying very hard to stay awake until Chris comes home from work so that I can get back onto my regular sleeping schedule. We have some traveling to do tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family. My family isn't have a big celebration this year. My immediate family is saving that for the Christmas holiday and the rest of the family is divided over the care of my grandmother. That's one of the other two things that has gotten me tired beyond belief. I finally talked to my grandmother today after not being able to for nearly eight months since she was kept in a nursing facility up north of me. I was very sad because our conversation wasn't a very good one. She knew who I was but I believe that the stress of what alledgedly happened at the other facility combined with the stress of moving so often and the anniversary of my grandfather's death. While we were on the phone, she cried over him being gone as well as a few other sad things. Then when it came time to let her go because her medicines were making her tired, she didn't hang up the phone all the way. I was able to still hear her on the other end. She thought she was at home getting ready to go to the store. Being in the condition she presently is in, that's not a possiblity right now for her. I just gave her my love and attention and will keep holding on to my faith that everything else will work itself out. The other thing making me sad is before I got online to do this post, I got a phone call from my mother saying my great uncle (my grandmother's brother) has had a brain anureism (yes, I can't spell right now) and is currently in the emergency room with a "it doesn't look good" prognosis. So yea, this sucks right now.

Right now, I'm going through a few emails trying to keep myself awake for another couple of hours. I'm working on my novel still. I did get over 25k words but I don't feel like I'm going to reach the 50k goal. My hands and back aren't going to let me sit here for hours on end to catch up. But now I have proved to myself that I can write a lot in the month timespan. No more excuses for me not to write out those story ideas, just have the basic story of who done it out and then work on the editing and research so the story will be accurate. I have to start my Christmas shopping soon. Not a lot of money to spend this year, but at least I can get the niece and nephews something. My brothers and all the immediate family will get something. I'm going to be addressing cards soon. Unfortunately it may be all that some people get from me. But for now, I'm going to finish my few emails and then climb in the bed with my book. Have a great day tomorrow.

Until next time,


  • At 4:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Damn it kim! Knock the "i can't do it" crap off... or i'm gonna come and get you back on track.. You set a goal, you're gonna complete it!!
    I know things are rough right now babe, and i'm so glad that you're relying on your faith. The goddess knows what she's doing, has been doing it for a while. and even though it leads to tremendous heartaches for those around our loved ones in such pain, it makes you stronger, and it means sooo much to those that you support knowing you're there. You're a wonderful granddaughter, daughter, sister, aunt, friend.... Just know that and have faith in that... Just the positivity you bring gives people reason to hope... Positivity breeds Positivity ;)
    Love you


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