Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Goodbye Eddie Guerrero

It may seem a little silly to use that title but for me and those who have grown up watching the World Wrestling Federation (now called WWE), Eddie Guerrero was one of my favorite wrestleers. He was found in his hotel room days ago, dead from heart failure according to the preliminary autopsy. Many critics have had a field day blasting people for mourning the loss of someone who made mistakes in his life. But you know what, he overcame those mistakes. He was honest and open about all of it. Not many people overcome addictions that have taken such deep roots within them. He was only 38 years old, much too young to leave this world and his family. Goodbye Eddie Guerrero, rest in peace.

I honestly think the reason his death has gotten to me whenever I take time to stop and think about it is due to the fact that my uncle has finally overcome his addictions and is trying so hard to walk upon that narrow path of doing the right thing. There has always been the underlying knowledge passed around the family that my uncle was the black sheep of the family. He was the one that did drugs, sold drugs and couldn't do anything because he was too high. Yeah, I can remember some family gatherings where that really could have been the reason for some of his actions. But being so young, I never understood that there were other reasons as well. As I have been out on my own and struggling with all that has been placed within my own path, I have been fortunate to look at things from another angle. Being one of the "kids", I was almost always left out of the loop, or whatever was going on within the family. Either that or I was told things selectively. When that happens, it makes things harder to know both sides of the story. With some of the recent events concerning the care of my grandmother, I honestly believe that I was lied to and things that were important were kept in the dark so that one half would be in the spotlight. Nevertheless, my uncle went to prison for things he had done to pay his debt but not because of drugs. While there, he straightened his life out. He's been out for almost six months and is doing wonderful. But there's some people in my family that doesn't want to see him succeed, as sad as it is. I wish my uncle all the luck in the world. Hang in there because you're doing great. I love you!

Today's not really been a good day for me. Last night I did succeed to reach my goal of 20k words in my NaNoWriMo novel. I know that I'm very, very behind but what can I say? I am doing the best I can and to me, that's all that matters. I tried to go to bed but I couldn't lay down for very long. My back, neck and legs felt like they were all being turned and twisted into knots. I know that it's a fibro flare but I'm not able to do much about it until I see my rheumy. It's one of those situations where you have to be seen every so often by the doctor before he will give you a script for medications. Completely understandable to me because I can understand the reasons behind it. Yet, it makes it difficult for me at times. Oh well, we all have our troubles. This is mine. Lol, today when I woke up, I felt so tired and so swollen. My feet are tender and I even have a bit of a headache. Nothing out of the ordinary when the weather has shifted like it is doing right now. Once the temperatures get cold and stay that way, I'll be okay. The downside is the fact that I have another sinus infection starting to make itself known. I can feel the pressure and taste the nasty drainage when I wake up. Ewww, I know. Sorry. Today I'm playing lazy Kimmy so that I can give my body a chance to rest some. It's also my shot night so I know I will feel a bit better tomorrow when I wake up. Hopefully.

So much going through my mind right now. I feel sad at what's going on with my grandmother and those involved with her being in the condition she's in. I don't want to say much here because I don't know if they know about this blog and though I want this to be a place where I can speak freely, I want to respect their privacy. I may get to finally see my grandma on Sunday if I feel up to it. My mom has tried to prepare me on what to expect when I see her and talk with her but I know in my heart, it's going to be rough. Please, those of you who read this, say a little extra prayer for my grandma. She's dealing with some after effects of abuse she's suffered while at another nursing facility that she was sent to by her health care rep. There's a lot of questions coming up from her current nursing/care facility that the answers are exposing the health care rep for the fraud that she is. Once things settle a bit more, I'll give ya the long story. For now, please just pray that the things she has endured will fade away. With that being said, I'm going to go through my email and write a bit more on the novel before I call it a night, short as it is. Please, don't forget to tell those you cherish just how much you love them.

Until next time,


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