Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

One more day til the weekend!

Still some snow on the ground, but the temperature is getting a bit warmer. Most of the snow has melted, however not all of it. The weatherman says we're supposed to get another couple of inches within the next few days. I'm hoping that it warms soon. I have tulips sprouting in the front yard as well as the desire to plant my rose bushes. I have two new ones that I want to put in the yard this year with Chris's help. One will be yellow roses in rememberance of Chris's grandmother that passed away in 2004. She was a very special lady in so many ways, not only to him but to me as well. It still saddens me when I think of her no longer being here. The second rose bush will be a red/pink mix. That is dedicated to my own grandmother who grew them at times and can no longer grow them. She's in a nursing home now, so it's difficult for her to do much of anything. Once the roses bloom, I want to take her some of them to make her smile.

Today is pretty much a resting day for me. I had trouble yesterday morning getting my shower by myself so that I would be able to meet with my counselor. It's the one appointment I truly try to keep if I am able in any way. So far, it's really helping me to re-evaluate some of the things I had been doing to myself through my negative thoughts and statements even when I give positive ones to others. The next thing I will need to work on is getting into the routine of meditating and relaxing my body. I think that would help me release the tension of my muscles caused by the Fibro and let my body heal itself. We'll have to wait and see how it goes though. After my appointment Chris and I went to the hospital so I could have my blood drawn for a Pro-time. Next stop, something yummy to eat. We went out to a restaruant here in town that cooks up stir-fry just how you ask for it. It's one of the few things I can have when we go out to eat because I control what goes into the food and the levels of sodium. Before we even got home, I was exhausted. Chris ended up taking a nap as he didn't get much sleep the night before. The chemo treatments are really making him tired. He has one more tomorrow and then we won't have to worry about them until six months from now.

I have worked my way to the two-thirds mark in the second LOTR book. I can't help but picture the cast of the movies while I'm reading what's going on in the books. Whoever the casting director was for the movies, I believe they did a good job. There's still a lot of books left on my book shelves that need to be read but I can only go so fast. Lol, wish I was one of those speed readers. I'm still making it slowly across the rows of my cross-stitch project. Other than that not much else going on here. Hope all of you are having a good day or night, where you are in the world. Know that you are loved at least by one person.

Love and blessings,


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