Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Monday, April 17, 2006

After the rain...

Image hosting by Photobucket I took that picture the same day that I took the picture in the previous post. This is actually two trees in one, a cherry tree and a crab apple tree. For some reason the previous owners of our house planted them side by side and they have grown up together. Now the little crab apples have a hint of cherry within them and the cherries have a hint of crap apple. It's kind of ironic how those two trees have melded together and become one. It reminds me of Chris and myself. We had a semi-hard day yesterday. Between the weather causing both of us to be in pain and also to be a little on the grouchy side. We attended a family gathering at his uncle's house, one that used to be his grandmother's house before she passed away in June of 2004. Mama was basically the matriarch of the family, holding it together and giving each of us a place within the family. Yes, including me even though I married into it. As soon as we pulled up to the house, I did feel sad. It was hard to walk in there and see the house, virtually as it was before she passed away. But within a little while, the saddness turned to reverance and I was remembering her, being grateful that I had gotten the chance to know her and call her Mama while she was still on this earth. I will never forget how she blessed my relationship with Chris and gave us encouragement when no one else had. There are some family members who have taken that place but no one could ever replace her.

All in all, the cookout/gathering was a good one. We cooked hot dogs over a wood fire and just all talked about anything and everything under the sun. Of course, the guys were happy. They found 3 garden snakes squirming through the grass. They had fun moving them out of the way for the kids to do their easter egg hunt. Then Chris and I came home to just hang out ourselves. He and our friend, Everett, worked on the yard most of the day Saturday. Sunday became rest day. I worked on my afghan a little and then read until I fell asleep. Chris played on the computer for a while before crawling into bed himself.

Today, he's off to work and I'm doing the housewife thing. At least I'm trying to. I just finished tidying up the living room, took me about an hour but it's worth it in the end. Right? I'm going to try and do a load of laundry before my back tells me it's time to sit down. Then I'm going to read some more. :) You know me, always got to have a book in my hands. Hope all of you out there had a great Easter holiday. Love to you all.

Love and blessings,



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