Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Sunny days are here again...

Those are the tulips I found growing in my yard last year after moving into our house. When we bought the house in 2004, we weren't able to move into it until August so by then the city had already mowed the yard and knocked them down. It was quite a surprise to see them bloom in 2005 and now again this year. I love seeing them come up and open to greet the sunshine. It's definitely a lovely surprise in the Springtime. Today it's very warm outside, almost summer-like in temperatures so I am doing what I can to be outside and yet not get overheated myself. Have to be a little careful due to my medications but otherwise I can go and have some fun playing with the flowers and dirt. I still have those two rose bushes from last year to plant sometime this spring.

I can't believe that I'm going to go over 200 posts already and I've only been doing this for a little while. It seems impossible but then again I know that I will have a lot more as the years go on. This has became a part of my day that I wouldn't have guessed that I would miss not doing it. There's so much to me that seems so boring and yet I know that some of my readers want to know about my boring days. It's an odd mix but I can't say I don't like odd things.

Yesterday was full of nothing for me. My back was acting up a lot and Chris decided that I was on a punishment type of day. I was to only be on the computer or in the bed doing my craftwork or reading. The housework was put off until today when I would feel a little better. He started in cleaning the garage and fixing it up for it to become the armor shop. He bought a new toolchest that he could lock up to hold all the really nice tools and is going to leave the other ones out for the other guys to use. I have told him that he and the other guys can all smoke out there in the garage as long as they are careful to make sure the cigarrettes are put out when they are finished. I worked on my afghan that I'm crocheting. It's taken a few years but I'm finally making head way with it. Not my fault that Wal-Mart had stopped carrying the color of yarn that I needed. Well, I think they quit making it anyway. So I'm using a standard color to finish it and then I will begin the other projects that I've put off.

With Easter being tomorrow, I may not post. We have family obligations and I hope to make it through the day without going completely insane. I'm also going to go to the cemetary and lay flowers on a few of my friends' graves that I haven't been to in a long while. I hope that you all have a great Easter holiday in whatever way you celebrate it. If you don't celebrate it at all, I hope that the day is still a good one for you, nonetheless. Take care of yourselves. Love to all.

Love and blessings,



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