Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


That's my Dudley. Lol, he's staring at a vanilla sugar wafer before he gobbles it down. I don't give those to him very often but when I do, they don't last long.

Sorry that I didn't post any kind of update yesterday. All the worrying and thinking I did up to yesterday as well as the housework I was able to do (little as it was) really made me feel exhausted. I played on the computer for just a little while before falling asleep. I didn't sleep much on Tuesday night because I was more nervous about going to the oncologist's office than I was the first time we were sent there. I was so sure that he was going to tell me the cancer was back in some new form that it frightened me a lot. I was supposed to go and see my counselor before we were to go to his appointment. My nerves did a number on me so I had to cancel the counseling appointment just so I could get them under control. Chris and I got to the Cancer Center a little early so he could have bloodwork done. We were taken back a little while after the blood was drawn. I told the nurse and then the doctor what was happening with Chris' hands. The looks on their faces weren't very good at all. In fact I'd say that the doctor was quite concerned that there was something he didn't catch the first time around.

The doctor went down a checklist of symptoms and then gave Chris a physical exam to feel for any lumps or bumps. He didn't find any, seeming pleased at that as a matter of fact. The doctor told us he was going to check the bloodwork and be right back. It was about ten minutes before the doctor came back to tell us what was going on with Chris' hands. Apparently Chris is having a very rare and uncommon reaction to the Rituxan he took last month. It is a sudden onset of severe arthritis in both hands and wrists that can only go away with time. I looked at Chris with a look of surprise because only he would be the only to come up with having one of the rarest side effects of chemotherapy. In a way I was relieved because all Chris had to go through now was the pain and inflammation but he wouldn't have to do the chemotherapy any more since it was causing this reaction. So the doctor ordered him some pain medication and told him that he would need a month, maybe two, off from work until his hands are feeling better. Needless to say I've razed him about it awhile.

Today the weather was perfect outside. Just the right mix of sun and cool breezes. I sat out on the front porch and read awhile so that Dudley could go out in the front yard to do his business or just lay in the sunshine, which he tends to do a lot. Chris was able to drive my mom home from work and then came home to take a nap. I worked on the dolphin puzzle I started a few days ago. I swear that puzzle hates me. It keeps stopping me from finishing it quickly. Lol, but I will conquer it! I also finished another book today. That makes 21 so far this year. I even was able to add three more rows to the afghan. In a way today was a productive day. Just not in the housework department but I'll get to that eventually this weekend.

Thanks to everyone who sent positive thoughts and prayers our way. Chris and I have truly been blessed and are eternally grateful to those who send us love and blessings. May it be repaid ten fold to you all. Love from the bottom of my heart to you.

Love and blessings,



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