Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Semi-Busy day

I won't make this a long entry because Chris is wanting to use the computer after I do my blogs and a couple of emails. He's got to have his computer time too. Lol, the month he's taking off from work is going to be one filled with him and I taking turns on the computer. So don't be surprised if I do the blogs as late in the evening as this or even later if I have to.

Today was a beautiful day outside. I was able to sit on the porch and watch the cool breeze make the trees sway in a dance. It was very soothing to be honest. I slept in until noon because I didn't get to fall asleep until nearly four in the morning. My back is starting to stiffen which means the weather is probably going to change here in the next few days. Hopefully it won't be the severe storms that we tend to get during spring here in Indiana. I started on book #22, working my way through it dilligently. I still have a ways to go so we'll see where the end of June brings me in my journey to my goal. I added another three rows to my afghan while talking with my nephew. He's staying the weekend with us to help Chris with the yardwork. I have taken the advice of a friend and began to pace myself when it comes to the housework. The only other thing that happened today was my trip to the rheumy. He wants me to stay off of the Enbrel until he can get ahold of the company to see what the data is on people developing blood clots while taking Enbrel. He and I both believe that my blood clot I had back in February was due to genetics more so than medication, but he wants to be safe. For now I'm to take Celebrex and go back to the acupuncturist as needed. Hopefully he will let me get back on it. If it turns out that I can no longer take Enbrel, he's talking about putting me on Arava for a bit. So we'll see if he calls me before my next appointment.

Take care everyone. I'm off to do some emails.
Love and blessings,


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