Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I'm getting spoiled!

Yep. I am. No, not by Chris but by Mother Nature. The weather the past few days has been so beautiful. I went out this morning about an hour ago to sit on the front porch and read until my medicine kicked in. It was then that I decided to get the camera and take a picture of the beautiful morning we're having. I forgot to take the date stamp off so the pictures I have taken over the past week all have the same date on them. Lol, oh well. I know when they were taken atleast. The picture was taken while I was standing on my porch near the front door. That ivy has grown up all on its own and has begun to cover the fence without prodding. I think it looks beautiful. So natural in a way. The blue spruce is my favorite tree in our yard. I was thrilled when we first looked at the house and I saw it there. My grandmother's house had a blue spruce where doves would nest. So many wonderful memories at that house. It's hard to believe that I won't be able to take my family there anymore. I can't imagine how my grandmother feels knowing the home she worked so hard for is now in the hands of another family.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about what I want to do as far as my life is concerned. I know this blog has become a major part of my life that I don't really know what I'd do without at this point. Believe me, I have been told that a lot of my entries have been boring. I know that. I warned all the readers out there in the first few posts that this wasn't going to be a blog based on anything other than my life and my experiences with Psoriatic Arthritis and how it has affected me. I can't promises tales of excitement or adventure because my definitions of those words when it comes to my life have changed. I have moments when I look back and see what all I have had to give up with this disease. Because the arthritis has chosen my hands and feet to settle into, I'm pretty much limited in what I can do. I am no longer able to run and play sports such as baseball or football. I can no longer do something as simple as play jump rope or take long walks in a park with Chris. I can barely make it around the block with Chris when he takes Dudley for a walk. My hands keep me from washing most dishes or cleaning things that require a steady hand. The medication I have taken has really made my short term memory almost vanish on some days as well as increased my accident-prone nature tenfold. My physical limitations are enough to drive anyone else into bed, pulling the covers over his/her head and letting the world pass by without another glance or care. For me, the phyiscal limitations are now something that I'm striving to overcome. I have been giving the opportunity to let my mind grew in knowledge, logical and anything else that I can feed myself intellectually. Maybe one day, I can write here and say that I was able to walk more than a mile with pride because I will have overcome the limitation of the arthritis in my feet. One day I may be able to write here that my writings have been published thus overcoming the limitation the arthritis has set in my hands. Until those days come, my blog will be about the little victories that I gain from waking up and being able to take a shower on my own or fixing my own lunch without Chris. If that is boring, then I'm guilty.

Today is so pretty. I don't have much planned to do today. It's also a Celebrex day. I think it's going to rain soon because I'm growing stiffer with each hour that passes so far. Hopefully the rain will hold off for a little while longer so I can let Dudley go play in the yard. I hate keeping him in the house all the time because he has so much fun playing withe bunnies and the birds that visit my yard everyday. I did finish book #26 and began the next one. This one is a true crime book written by Ann Rule. She's really good at taking a case and giving it life as the people in it once had before the defining moment changed everything. It's pretty good so far. I wrote for about an hour and a half total yesterday. Mostly just transferring parts of a story that I had written on scrap pieces of paper into a notebook where I can have everything together in one place. Hopefully I will do a bit more on it later today. Seems like a good day just to write. Hope all of my readers are having a good day wherever they are. Just remember that I keep you all in my thoughts daily. Take care.

Love and blessings,



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