Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Yes, we know what today is...

It's the awful 6/6/06! Run! Hide!

Not. It's just another day. Really. Yes, the date does seem bad. I wonder if in 1906 there was as much hysteria and hype about the world coming to an end as there has been for the past couple of days. It's a rare oddity. It will happen again in 2106. Everyone just calm down. Trust in whatever faith you hold close to your heart. If the world does it, would it really be a bad thing with the way the state of affairs has been going as of late?

Okay, enough mini-rant. I'm not feeling well today. I could not sleep last night at all because there's a storm system coming toward Indiana. I really wish that scientists would study the correlation between the barometric pressure changes and the increase/decrease in pain for people suffering with arthritis of any type. There's a connection there. I can always tell when the weather is going to shift although it could happen one to three days from the moment I feel the change happening. I have since talked with a lot of different arthritis patients and they have all mentioned something along the same lines as what I go through. In the end, it's all about the pain really. It sucks. I finally fell asleep around 10 am and woke up a few hours ago. I had a lot of little things planned to do today. I know I still have time to get some of them done. I just feel like I've missed out on some stuff while off in dreamland. The weather was really pretty today. It wasn't too hot that you couldn't enjoy sitting out on a screened porch. There was just the right amount of breeze blowing through. Chris and a friend did some work on the yard, mowing and trimming along the fence. The only request I had for him was that he didn't blow any of the cut grass into the new area that I'm designated as my flowerbed in the front of the house. I haven't been back outside to see if he complied or not, but he said he'd try which means he did his best not to do it.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what makes me the person I am as of late. I'm not sure if it is something that has been caused by the few counselling sessions or if it's something that naturally happens as we get older. I have a few people who are my age or a little older going through similar situations right now. I was talking with Chris the other night about things that were on my mind when it hit me that I'm basically entering into a new phase of my life. No longer can I blame my decisions or bad choices on the impatient little youth. I feel as though I'm no longer in the adolescent phase of my life. I now claim entrance into realm of adulthood. I've been reflecting on what direction my life is going in. There have been changes over the years and to some people, they will be considered in the "not for the good" changes. Just because they aren't the sort of changes they would have chosen doesn't mean that the changes aren't good for me. This is my life. The beliefs and ideals that I hold are those that mean most to me. Maybe one of these days I will feel comfortable enough to talk about those beliefs and ideals. I'm still wrestling with the feeling I'll lose those I love if I become the person I know I'm supposed to become. So, we'll see.

Hope all of you out there are having a lovely day/evening wherever you are. Take care of yourselves.
Love and blessings,


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