Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Happy Labor Day!!

Just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone out there a happy and safe Labor Day. I know that most of us here in America had an extra day off this weekend and I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves safely. I also wanted to say thanks to the hardworking men and women all over the country and overseas who do their best each and every day to make sure that we have the ability to live our lives the way that we want and see fit. With the anniversary of 9/11 coming up, I've been doing a lot of thinkng just as I have every year since the tragedy happened. We wouldn't be able to live, eat, sleep, speak, read or watch anything we'd want to and when we'd want to if they didn't put their lives on the line for us. Nor would be able to do those things if the men and women who work hard on the farms, in the factories, in the offices and all over this nation didn't go into work everyday and make things for us to make life better. To each and every man and woman who help make my life possible in every way, I say thank you!

The other sad news of the day is that the Crocodile Hunter, aka Steve Irwin, passed away over the weekend after being stung by a stingray while filming his next special. I will keep his family and friends in my thoughts and prayers as they deal with the sadness of losing someone special. Yes, special even though his catchphrases annoyed me to no end, his knowledge for animals and his love for nature were extraordinary. There will be many who may try, but no one will fill his shoes in this world.

As for things here at home, I guess you could say that they're going well. I'm tired and hurting a lot today. Not quite sure if there's a pressure system coming my way or what's going on. All I do know is that I have a bad headache and feeling like I just want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head for a while. Which I just might do once I finish this post. Been depressed lately. I know it and I know that I have to do something to bring me out of this funk I'm in. I think it's why I've been writings so much lately to be honest. Not that I mind much. I love writing. It's my only passion. I just wish I could become more focused and not just do bits and pieces. My luck with discipling myself didn't work. I'm not good at making myself do something. Mostly I do things because I feel I have to, like writing. But for now I'm going to go back to bed. Entering September I've made it to book #36 in my reading goal. We'll see how it goes by the end of the month. Take care all. Sorry this post is kinda rambling on. I just don't feel good. Can't think well. Love to all.

Love and blessings,


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