Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

It's officially Autumn....

Oh, how I wish the day was as sunny and wonderful as it was when I took the picture at the left. The past two days have been cold and rainy, bordering on the "I want to sleep through these days and not wake up" feeling. I have been in a lot of pain these past two days as well. The weather front combined with the falling temperatures made me swell and get so stiff that I couldn't move without crying. I spent most of yesterday in bed except for a few moments I forced myself to check a couple of emails. I couldn't type to answer many at all. Even today, typing hurts more than I'll admit. I just am tired of sitting in the bed. I will have to say that these past two days has allowed me to get a few more books read toward my goal. I'm up to reading book #44. I know it's not anywhere close to the number I wanted to have, but I'm very proud of it nonetheless. Been working on my novel as well. Found out that editing and re-working it is taking the story completely out of the place I put it in when I first wrote it. In a way, it's a great thing because it's allowing the story to become more realistic. We'll see. ;)

I know this isn't long. I just wanted to let all my friends and family know why I haven't been online much the past couple of days. I hope to return to my usual annoying status in the next few days but we'll see how I feel. I keep you all in my thoughts. If you need me, just give me a buzz. Love you all.

Love and blessings,


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