Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Hidden Rainbows

Today the weather outside is so gray and gloomy that I'm glad I have cute pictures of my little dog, Dudley, to make me smile. See him cheesing for the camera? Lol, I think that look says "Why in the world are you taking another picture of me for?" He's definitely not camera shy. What a cutie.

As I said earlier, today's weather matches the way I feel today. It's rainy and cloudy which makes the whole day seem like it's full of doom and gloom. I know that somewhere there are beautiful rainbows hiding within those dark grey clouds. I just can't find them right now because they're too good at playing hide and seek. I hope that I'll be able to find them soon. Just like I hope that things start to like up for Chris and I once again. I thought that once he was pronounced cancer free, things would start getting better and we wouldn't have so many rough days. Lol, boy was I ever wrong on that one! Chris felt a bit better today, even with the rain and all. He went into work and found out some fairly bad news. Seems that the orders for the engine his factory makes are down so they don't need the employees to work the full week. This week he will be working Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Next week he's scheduled for only Monday and Tuesday. With the current situation in regards to our finances, this isn't a good thing. I know the time off may help his back to heal completely but in the mean time, we could very well lose our car and be sued for non-payment on a lot of our bills. I'm so glad that many of the doctors' offices are working with us on the money we owe them. Otherwise, we'd lose just about everything. I'm still waiting for calls from different Lymphoma agencies that are set up to help those who need it. I have my fingers crossed (ok, not while typing) that something will come through soon. If not, I don't know what's going to happen. I wish that we had something saved that we could use to live on, but we've always been living paycheck to paycheck. It's times like this when I just want to give up. I'm going to go lay down for a little while. I hurt and I'm depressed. Overall, I just want to wake up and have a fresh day to start looking for other ways of getting through this tough time. My love to everyone who comes across this blog.

Love and blessings,


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