Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sunshine peeks through the clouds....

Yep, that's what I'd like to be doing. Lol, my poor dog, Dudley, is all tuckered out after be "walked". Basically I just put him on the leash and let him ramble about the backyard until he was finished with his business and "pee" mail. Lol, that's what Chris and I have decided Dudley does on his walks when he has to stop at just about every tree or bush along the way home. It makes it a bit more fun than just walking the dog in a way. In this picture he's all snuggled up in a blanket that had fallen onto the floor beside our bed during the night. I didn't have the heart to wake him up and take the blanket away from him. So I let him lay there until he was ready to get up on his own before I picked it up. Well, of course, I just had to take this picture as well. Lol, isn't he the cutest?

Today Chris went for his first round of physical therapy to help this back pain of his. He drove to the doctor's office but I had to drive home. Before he went into the office, he was hurting and stiff from just waking up a little bit beforehand. But after the physical therapy there seemed to be a little bit of a difference in him that I could see. It wasn't that his pain was gone because I could tell that he was still in a lot of pain. It was just how he was talking about how it went and what the therapists wanted him to do. It seemed to me that he was a tad bit more positive than he was going into the therapy. I did ask him how he felt. He seems to feel as though the therapy just might do the trick and fix whatever is causing the back pain. I'm just extremely glad that the source of the pain isn't something to do with his spine or bones. He laid down for a short nap before work because he was still tired from not being able to fall asleep last night. I so hope that he has a better day at work than he had the last couple of days. It has to go up from here, right?

I'm not as stiff and hurtful as I was yesterday. For that, I'm glad. I really felt low yesterday. With the combination of family troubles, money troubles and intense pain from all over my body, I just wanted to give up. I know that there's not much that I can do to change my present position of having this type of arthritis nor can I reverse the damage it has already done to my hands and feet. But that doesn't mean I have to stop letting my mind work or giving up on the things I love the most. So I'm putting in a little extra effort today to work on some of my writings. I haven't really written a lot in the past two days although Monday was a really good day writing-wise. I checked my progress on my reading goal this morning when I entered in the information for the book I just finished. So far I have been able to read 42 books this year. Not as many as I had hoped to have read by this time but more than some have been able to get read. So I'm very pleased with my progress. I still have a few months to keep going although I know that the month of November isn't going to be a good one for book reading. I'm really excited for that month to get here. Not just because I get to eat turkey but because it's NaNoWriMo month! I get another chance to come up with another 50,000 word story within the month. My goal for this year is to have reached the 50,000 word mark two days before the end of the contest/month. I finished right at the last minute last year. I want to do better this year. I now know my limits and where I need to pace myself to achieve the goal. So we'll see what happens. I'll keep praticing though!

Well, I'm off to try and get another load of laundry done. It seems I do laundry every day of the week. That's only because I have a hard time of getting the clothes from the washer to the dryer and then folding the clothes when they are done. It takes a lot out of me. Sometimes I can do three or four loads and some days I can't even get the clothes into the washer. Today, though, I think I can get atleast some sheets washed and dried. I don't mind if they sit in the dryer and get a little wrinkly. Hope everyone is having a good day today. My dear friends, you're always in my thoughts. Take care.

Love and blessings,


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