Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

On my way back...

Still a bit on the tired and tender side of things. I'm just taking it one day at a time. This is the perfect time for me to practice for my NaNoWriMo competition coming up next month. This really is exciting to me because it's given me something to look forward to. I have finally came up with the idea for what I'm going to write about next month. According to the rules (which is basically a big honor's system way of things), I can't begin one word of the novel until November 1st and that's fine with me. After double checking the rules and several FAQs, I was happy to see that I could write down the idea as well as a partial outline so that I can have a refresher when the time comes. I so can't wait. I even called up the local paper and let them know about it. Lol, I highly doubt that anything will come of it. However, if they call and ask questions, I will answer them.

Other ordinary, everyday things have been going okay around here. Chris is still getting better with each day. He was to have some bloodwork done today because the oncologist found his white blood cell count to be elevated last month. I bet five bucks that he forgot to get the blood drawn today. My brother, Billy, was in the hospital for a few days because he had caught pneumonia. At least this time around he didn't have to go into the Intensive Care Unit. The weahter here hasn't been the best for those of us with auto-immune diseases or lowered immune systems. He's currently at home and getting better. My youngest brother, Andy, had an awesome match at the end of September. When I feel a bit better myself, I will upload those photos of his match and put some here. He is currently setting aside some of his wrestling time to take care of other responsibilities. I will have to say that this match was one of the best one's have seen in a long while. Of course, my health and other life events have kept me from most of his matches. I am really proud that he has been so focused on getting healither, slimmer and more intuned with his passion, wrestling. I wish him all the best when he gets back to it after taking care of business for a while.

As for me, I'm plugging along. Still working on several things when I get a chance. In the past couple of weeks, I have been focusing on my reading goal and working on some of my stories. I made a promise to a great friend of mine that I would revise my novel and send him some of it. So I'm steadily working my way through the novel. Currently, I have been seeing the need to rewrite a few scenes to make it more believable and to be able to flow better. I'm still working on two others at the same time. Lol, talk about hard to keep them straight sometimes. I haven't been able to find a way to finish one before starting another. As far as my reading goal, I've read clost to 55 books so far. Still have a long ways to go and with some limitations on my time in the upcoming months, I'm sure that I'll come close to my goal but I don't know if I'll reach it. We'll see.

I must say thanks to those of you who have left me some wonderful comments. They definitely made my day and made me feel as though I wasn't forget. As did the emails I have received. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for those. I hope this day and every day to come will be a great one for you all. Take care and remember to smile.

Love and blessings,


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