Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Year End Wrap Up

Yes, I have decided to do my little year in review post now because I'm going to take the next few days and be away from the computer. In the past few weeks, I haven't been posting as regularly as I had been doing. I know that I am not expected to do anything really but I think I should be posting. It's important for me to continue to tell not only my story but Billy's story as well. It's important that other people know what he went through, what I go through and what my family and husband go through each day. Maybe someone will realize that they're not going through all these rough times alone, that someone out there knows what it's like to deal with the limitations of either Psoriatic Arthritis or Systemic Lupus. I'm going to make this blog more of a priority in the new year. At least I will attempt to do that.

The year of 2006 was supposed to be a better year. I hoped that it would be a better year when the first few seconds of 2006 ticked by. We started off the year 2006 strong, having gotten through Chris' chemo and finally found him to be cancer-free. Billy did go into the hospital for pneumonia but was able to be out right before his birthday. I ended up in the hospital myself for pneumonia towards the end of January/early February. While in the hospital, it was discovered that I had a blood clot in my lung. So I had to start the year with another medication and a whole new set of things to be looking out for, especially diet and sharp objects. Chris and I also faced a new complication when he decided to have chemotherapy treatments to give him a greater chance of the cancer not coming back. He had a bad reaction to the Rituxan, making his hands swell greatly as well as a rash break out over a large portion of his body. That all lead to his being off work for about six and a half, almost seven, months. Thankfully he works for a very wonderful company who worked with us to make sure his time off had been covered by the short-term disability program as well as taking up a collection for us to make sure we had our medications and other things we needed when the money became tighter than usual. I was grateful for all the support from family and friends during that time as well. It's hard to be happy when you have to write checks for five dollars and feel small when talking to creditors. But it has to be done and sometimes the creditors understand. A few went out of their ways to help us with our bills. There were a few happy moments when we were able to get out of the house and have fun. I'm especially grateful for one moment in the summer where Chris and I attended the birthday party for one of our friend's little boys. We were at a local park, having fun, chatting and eating when Chris saw my brother's burgundy Oldsmobile Cutlass go by. At first I didn't think it was him because Mom had been so wary of letting him drive around town in the past few years with his not being strong most days. Billy happened to drive past the spot where we were standing. My heart leapt at the fact he was able to get out and drive his car one last time. I hopped in the car so he could drive by my house. He had been trying to find it on his own but wasn't able. Even though it was so hot outside and he really shouldn't have been driving, I was so happy to be able to give him directions to my house and let him it though it was just the outside. His face was so red from the heat that I offered to run inside and grab him something to drink. Once he took a few drinks, Billy dropped me off back at the birthday party and drove home before Mom and Dad could get a bit more worried than they already were.

The second half of the year 2006 has been the most pain filled, emotional time of my own life. Billy was in and out of the hospital, my health was starting to even out a bit and Chris was recovering from the reaction to the chemo and back to work. Then we had a family situation concerning Chris' side of the family. Because the nature of the situation includes minors, I refuse to discuss it here or anywhere within the public domain. Let's just leave it at the fact Chris and I took a stand against something and there are those on his side of the family who don't agree with the fact that we were aren't going with the flow, so to speak. That has lead to less time being spent with our niece and nephews that we love as much as if they were our own kids. Shortly after this situation took place, we celebrated Halloween without much fanfare just because this year was such a lowkey type of year. The month of November was the worst month by far of 2006. My brother, Billy, was hospitalized as a precaution due to the fact he wasn't peeing. That was a sign to us that his kidneys weren't not working like they were supposed to be working. Over the course of two weeks, we learn that Billy wasn't going to get any better and we had to face losing him. On top of knowing that, my family is dealt a double blow of sorts. My great-grandmother passed away at her home while a second cousin of mine was found murdered in her home. One day after Thanksgiving, I said goodbye to my brother and have spent the last month trying to figure out who I am and what my purpose is now. I'm still writing, having started three different stories and worked on editing my one lonely, finished novel. I have managed to read 61 books throughout the year, even with all the things that have tried to get in my way. I have made some wonderful new friends through support groups and nutured the friendships that I have and cherish. My faith in the love of my friends and family has been renewed and given new life by the way they have surrounded me during the past month.

My hopes for 2007 are simple. I hope that my health and the health of all those I love and care for will be much better. Those who are battling chronic conditions will find reprieve from their hurts and do something they haven't been able to do for a long time. I hope to meet some of my other online friends that I haven't had the chance to meet yet as well as visit with those I have met. I hope to read 100 books next year and finish those stories which I have started. Who knows? I might just send out a story or two and see if someone will pick it up and publish. Most importantly, I want my brother's story to be told. I hope that I can help one person see that they are never alone in what they are feeling, that they have somewhere to turn if they need it. I hope that the world learns to love more and that the violence throughout the world slows down. I know in my heart that there will always be war and violence. Somehow I hope that it will lessen and the news will have nothing to report on except the love and kindness that people show one another. But most of all, I hope to continue this blog and spread information throughout the internet and world about Psoriatic Arthritis and Systemic Lupus.

Have a great and wonderful New Year's Eve and New Year's Day everyone. Be safe and enjoy.
Love and blessings,


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