Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A Little Late...

I do know that I'm late with my post today. I couldn't help it. Blogger was down for some reason each time I tried until about ten minutes ago. I was going to be really sad if I couldn't get my post done today. I'm trying really hard to keep up with the daily posts as I have done before. The picture to the left is one that I took a couple months ago of the afghan that I am crocheting. Yes, it's the same afghan I had talked about before that's taken more than six years to finish. Each time I would have a little extra money to buy a few more skeins of yarn, the company I was buying from would have discontinued making the color I needed. I started with the navy fleck (the littlest color you see in the picture) and has to add a dark navy. Then the company stopped making the dark navy color. I finally decided to use a soft navy which matches fairly well with the other colors. The other good thing about the soft navy color is that it's a standard color so they won't be stopping production of it any time soon. Therefore, I'm safe to finish the afghan. Chris has been waiting on it for so long. I'm not doing anything fancy with the stitches. Just using the basic single stitch all the way across (one row of stitches numbers 700). He wanted it as close and warm as I could get it. Believe me, it's warm! I'll post another picture when I have it finished. I can say that it's nearly finished, over half way done.

Today was an odd day to say the least. I was unable to sleep much again last night as we had a weather system approaching Indiana. It made me stiff and achey beyond what I'm used to having to deal with. I finally fell asleep around six this morning only to wake up about five hours later. Chris couldn't sleep much so he played on the computer for awhile. I gave my mom a ride home from her work. I came home to play on the computer while Chris took a nap for a few hours. Also had a wonderful chat with a newfound friend. With each chat we have, I can feel myself being challenged to think about things in a way I hadn't done so before. That's an excellent thing for me to be doing right now in my life. Of course, with Blogger being down, Chris asked if he could finish up a few things that he was doing online after he woke from his nap. I then started on another book toward my reading goal. Not much writing except for my offline journal today. Hopefully I can work on some stories tomorrow. I have a rheumy appointment on Friday. I'm a little nervous because I am supposed to have x-rays taken of my hands and feet as well as hear his decision (as well as that of the company who makes the Enbrel) whether I can continue taking the Enbrel. I am now taking the Celebrex every other day which is much more than I used to. While taking the Enbrel, I didn't have to take the Celebrex often at all. So we'll see what he says.

Hope all is well out there with everyone. Please take care of yourselves.
Love and blessings,


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