Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cool breezes on warm nights...

I don' t know if you see the little baby bunny sitting underneath the mommy bunny but I hope you are able to see it. This is just one shot of the bunnies who have made our yard their home. This mommy bunny has two babies, each about three inches long. They are so adorable. I have been able to sit outside on the front porch and watch them hop around the yard or eat some of the clover. It's really a wonderful thing to watch something so little grow up.

Today has been a relaxing day for me. At least I'm trying to make it that way. After spending most of the holiday weekend celebrating with family and friends, it's good to just sit back and relax a little bit. I was able to chat with a really good friend, E, early this afternoon. I hated that I couldn't chat longer with her. She makes me think about things that I haven't really paid much attention to and I should have been. Afterwards, I started thinking about making a change in my lifestyle. No, it's not kinky or anything. I need to get healthy. I have been saying it for a long while but this year I am going to make a committment to at least get a walking routine down so I can have some activity. I'm really tired of hearing that annoying inner voice telling me my flaws over and over. If I can do things that I'm supposed to, I'm hoping that the voice won't have much to taunt me with. I was able to take advantage of a new program within Chris's insurance that will help guide me in starting some small stretching exercises that I can do without having to hurt myself. I'm hoping to be able to move a little bit more. We shall see!

Other than that, I'm working on my first novel still. I'm stuck again with it because I know which way I want it to go but the characters in the story seem to be revolting against my wishes. So I will just keep working through it to see where it takes me. Also I have gotten halfway through book #27. Yay! Just another 73 more to go before the end of the year. Lol, we'll see how I do with that when the time comes. Hope everyone has been able to enjoy the day or evening, whichever it is where you are. Please take care of yourselves and know I keep you in my thoughts.

Love and blessings,


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