Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sleepy Saturday

With all the excitement in the last few days, I wasn't sure that I would be able to fall asleep at a decent time last night. The only way was to take my pain meds just as the rain began to fall here. It was kinda neat because the rain was hitting the window with a constant beat so I was able to close my eyes and focus on the beat. It was kinda like meditating in a way. I guess I fell asleep at some point because I don't remember anything until about 8am this morning when my alarm went off. I have decided that I am going to try and keep on a sleeping schedule so that my body can adjust to the new things I'm trying to do to become healthy. I have been taking 5 minute walks every other day and doing a stretching routine the other days to keep my muscles working. The diet part isn't hard for me to modify due to the fact I already have made the changes most doctors tell you to do. I use olive oil instead of other oils that aren't good for you and eat wheat or whole grain breads instead of white. The nurse that is assigned to look after our health for Chris's insurance was giving me some really good suggestions on what to look up to help modify my diet even more to help with the Fibro and maybe reduce some of the flares. I didn't know that too much refined sugar or enriched flour could cause my Fibro to act up a lot. Therefore I am being careful to watch what I eat now. Hopefully I can stick with this and do things a bit at a time so it becomes second nature to me and I can feel better and do more things.

Today I was able to get up at 8am like I said. I did spend a little bit of time on the net this morning before I did a little bit of my stretches. It was also time for me to get a few letters written to some of my dear friends. I love sending mail through the postal service instead of emails sometimes. It just seems more personal in a way. After a little while, I woke Chris so that he could get something to eat and take his meds for the day. Most of the day passed without a lot of excitement. Well, there was some excitement but for now, I'll not speak of it here. Once the problems start to work themselves out, maybe I'll write about them here. Until then, let's just say that all parties are separated and doing well for now. My shoulder is definitely feeling a bit better. I hope that with my acupuncture appointment on Monday, I will have more movement and less pain in it than with just the ibprofen the doctor prescribed for me to take. It's helping with some of the arthritis pain as well. So it's a two for one special. The writing is still coming along. I don't know why I'm so determined to write and write and write. Yet, I'm not going to stop the ideas as they come. My muse is often picky when it comes to working so I'll take what I can get when I get it. Still working my way through my next book that I'm reading. Just so happens to be the fourth book in the Harry Potter series. I had forgotten how long these books get after the first two. Lol, almost as if they are growing right alongside the boy wizard. Unfortunately thick books aren't going to help me achieve my goal by the end of the year. I guess that's just the way it goes sometimes. I hope that everyone is doing their best to stay cool if they live north of the equator and warm if they live in the southern hemisphere. I want to send best wishes for each of you and may your days be good ones.

Love and blessings,


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