Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Wow, I think we've gone way past Fall and went on into Winter. Even though the sun is shining without clouds to hinder it, the temperature is still cold. I checked the temperature last night and it had dipped down into the lower 30's. Let me tell you, Dudley didn't stay outside very long when he had to go out to read his "pee-mail", as Chris calls it. When I stepped outside to let him back in, I could see my breath in the air. I've told Chris before that I thought we were going to get snow before Halloween. With the possible forecasts we've had in these parts, it just might come true. I don't really want it to, but I don't control Mother Nature either.

Chris is feeling almost as stiff in his joints as I have been these past few weeks. I hope that he's able to shake it off and nothing comes of it but a few days of discomfort. The poor guy's been through a lot in the past few years and I don't think he can handle anymore. I just want him to be well for a little while and not have to worry over things. He deserves that much. With all the health problems and family troubles, he's not had time to stop and just do something fun and for himself. It makes me feel horrible when I have to ask him for help when I know he needs to just do something to relax like play a computer game or just spend time online doing whatever.

I get to go see my rheumatologist on Halloween. Lol, I wonder if they will dress up at the office. That would be kinda neat and interesting in my opinion. I'm really going to talk with him about doing something for the arthritis. The Salsalate is hurting my stomach whenever I take it and I'm worried that it's causing some sort of internal stuff. It helps with me being able to move but I think the cons outweigh the pros in this situation. So we'll have to see what else is available for me. There may be nothing and we'll have to take our chances with the Enbrel once again. I know that it was one of two medications that I had been on that could have increased my chances of having a blood clot. Then again my family medical history is filled with people who get blood clots. But the doctor doesn't want to take the chance that the Enbrel was the cause of the blood clot and therefore will cause another one. While I respect that concern for my health and safety, it's gotten to the point where either he does something with a medication to help my arthritis or something to help me deal with the pain. I cannot live like this any longer. It's just not a good way to live.

Today, with the sun shining, I'm going to spend sometime with my stories out on the front porch. I have a couple of letters that I need to write to people as well. I love doing that, sending old fashioned snail mail. There's just something special about getting something in the mail. It makes people happy to get something besides bills. Lol, at least I hope it makes them happy. At any rate, I'm also going to be working on getting this next book finished. I am trying to read a few more before the end of the month since I know that my November is going to be hectic. Well, more hectic than the other 11 months out of the year. I've been working on getting myself on a scheduled for NaNoWriMo. I started working on my crochet again over the past couple of days to try and keep my hands limber so that I can keep writing. I've only got about 78 and 1/2 rows to stitch before the afghan is finished. Lol, and no, I'm not going to take it apart to do it over again. I'm trying to get it finished before Winter fully hits. I can verify that it's really warm. Well, I'm off to get some work done. Hope everyone is having a good day or evening, whatever it may be where you are. Take care of yourselves and remember that you're loved.

Love and blessings,


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