Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Still tired

I'm still working on getting things caught up from being away from the net for over a week. It's hard to get back into the groove of things. Plus I'm trying to get myself set up and in a disciplined mode so I can participate in NaNoWriMo without the fuss I had last year. So far so good to be honest.

I was right yesterday. Lol, Chris did forget to get his bloodwork done. I called the Cancer Center early this afternoon to see if it would be okay for him to get the bloodwork done tomorrow before he goes into work. There didn't seem to be an problem with him doing that so I need to tell him when he gets home from work. I feel really horrible that he went into work today. He woke up in a lot of pain with his back again. I'm not too sure what's going on but I know that I had muscle cramps myself overnight. I think maybe that's what happened with him as well due to how he described the pain and stiffness to me. I was really frustrated because I know that he doesn't have much of a choice. Either he goes to work and gets paid for his work so we can afford the necessities or we do without a house, car and other things. It really makes me angry at times at myself that I can't do more. Maybe, just maybe, one of the stories or novels I have written will take off and I'll be able to repay him for all the pain and trouble I've caused him.

I have so many ideas going through my head for stories. I've written them all down in a little notebook where I can pick on them later. More than likely I'm going to have to look into getting one of those programs where you speak and the software types for me. We'll have to see at some point. I'm being stubborn in not wanting to use it, I know. But that's my right to not give up on keeping some sense of being able to functions as others do. Work is coming along on my stories though. I've been able to work on the stories for about 15-20 minutes at a time. Still, I feel better doing it than doing nothing at all. I'm itching to start on my NaNoWriMo project. I can't wait for it to get here.

I'm off to rest my hands for now. Take care of yourselves out there. Don't forget to tell someone you love them. It's always nice to hear it.

Love and blessings,


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