Stepping Stones

A woman's journey through life while juggling the affects of Psoriatic Arthritis.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Even colder!

Wow! The temperature has dropped down into the upper 30's and now we even have a chance for flurries overnight. The colder temperatures don't bother me when they stay within a five or ten degree range. It's when they start going from 35 F to 67 F and the like that I begin to feel more hurt and stiffness when I wake up and often throughout the day. It seems like Fall as slipped away from us here in Indiana. I wonder where it's hiding. Hopefully there will be a few more warmer days before Winter truly hits the area. I'm not looking forward to the "s" word. Lol, I mean snow. Geez.

Today is a slow day for me, meaning I'm moving slower than usual. I've been really good about trying to get myself set in a bit of a routine so that I will feel better about myself in many areas. I've gotten to the point now where I make sure to have a small list of things done each day. Though some of them may seem routine for a lot of people, it's actually a challenge for me some days to even just make sure that I brush my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail or barrette. Chris is helping me by reminding me every so often to do some things. It's kinda like being a kid again, but I need this small bit of structure to help me achieve some of the goals that I have set for myself. Speaking of goals, I'm slowling nearing my reading goal with each book. Lol, I have begun reading book #56 and hope to have a few more done before the end of the month. I know that I won't be able to read very many during November but I'm going to try and read a bit each day even with the NaNoWriMo thing going on as well.

We had something strange happen last night. Around midnight, a lady knocked on our door and told Chris and I that her car had broken down. She couldn't get it started and lived in a town quite a bit of distance from our own. She had made arrangements for a friend to pick her up after the friend's work shift ended around 7am. It was apparent that she needed a warm place until then. Chris and I were both weirded out but it was so cold, I wasn't going to let the poor woman freeze to death. We invited her in and let her sleep on the couch until about a quarter til 7am. It did seem odd but I can imagine her worried about freezing and having no where to go. Chris and I have always said that our house was a safe haven. Therefore we've gotten to prove it the last few months. Various animals have been coming to our yard and making themselves at home until we can contact owners or the Humane Society. Now we have humans doing the same. I wonder if it's some sort of test. Yes, I know we've got to be careful but I really didn't sense any harm in the woman staying.

The mother of an old friend passed away last Friday. Today was her viewing/funeral services. I had wanted to go and pay my respects. But with the excitement last night, a doggie who had a tummy ache and the shift in the weather, I am feeling just to stiff and in too much pain to make myself get ready to go. There hasn't been that much contact between myself and the old friend. I'm not sure he would want to be in contact with me. But nonetheless, I'm praying that his family receive comfort and strength in this time of need. Also, my friend, J, is still having a rough time battling health issues and trying to make things easy and comforting for those he loves also with health problems. I am keeping him and those with him in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everyone has a good day today. Smile and know that there's something thinking of you.

Love and blessings,


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